Owen Parnell, R.Ac.

Hello, My name is Owen Parnell.

I grew up in Victoria, and have had lived experience of eastern healing arts since childhood. In my early 20’s, fresh out of art school, I enrolled to study acupuncture, as I figured it would be good to know and apply to the rest of my life. Near the end of my studies, my daughter was born, and I began the hustle of a budding clinician and entrepreneur. 6 years later I feel confident to meet what comes, and help a broad spectrum of people in reaching their health goals. I love the purposefulness and the creativity of this work.

I view patient comfort and trust as an essential element of a good treatment, and modify my approach to suit the unique physiology, temperament and circumstances of each patient. I can be gentle or strong in my methods depending on what suits you best.

My ultimate goal is to improve my patients quality of life as much as possible. I want you to be liberated in a sense, from physical pain, restricted movement, self imposed limitations, or whatever it is that ails you. If you tell me you hate your job, I will encourage you to consider your options.

I employ the classical approaches of acupuncture, massage, cupping, guasha, conversation and counsel, lifestyle recommendations. I also use some tools not so common to acupuncturists, Laser therapy AKA PBMT (photobiomodulation therapy), and toksen (thai hammer massage).

Outside of the clinic, I am blessed to co-parent my young daughter. I have a background in visual arts, and maintain a slow but steady visual art and martial arts practice. It’s an honour and privilege to be of service in this way. Thank you for considering me as a helper on your path.